Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Walk when you talk.... What an Idea sirji

First time, when I saw this advertisement (Walk when you talk) I was surprised. I mean how can organization like Adiya Birla group (Idea) can give green signal to such an advertisement.

I am having my reservations because of the following reasons:

1. Can we consider conversation a healthy one when we are walking (opposed by medical professionals). So, is "Idea" promoting a conversation which is not healthy one.

2. Can we compare walking habits (Good for health) with talking habits. Both are completely different from each other.

3. Is it good for "Idea" to promote an advertisement which may give rise to accidents. "Talk plus walk" will reduce the attention span of person towards his/her surroundings, hence chances of coming under vehicle while "walking and talking".

No doubt the advertisement is directed very excellently and is able to grab the attention of the public but has "Idea" forgotten its responsibility towards society ?

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