Friday, August 7, 2009

Movie Sequels: The Good and The Bad

Everyone says that movie sequels are failure most of the time. Is this myth or the reality ? May be 'once in a blue moon', we watch a good sequel movie. But we cannot forget the creative movie makers who have ventured into this and made billions of the dollars and gave us creative assets in form of the movies.

Are movie sequels victim of our prejudice or they really deserve their share of the criticism or the both holds true. "No one ever sets out to make a bad movie,but it happens a lot. Especially when there's a 2, a III, or an Electric Boogaloo in the title."- Chris Nashawaty. Should the term "sequel" be confined only to immediate successors, or should it include subsequent films in a continuing franchise ? Quite debatable question in the entertainment circles.

I performed research on movie sequels from various sources and came across a list of "The good and The bad" sequels.

Best movie sequels of all time are (Not is ranked manner):

1. Bourne Supremacy
2. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (as a sequel to Fellowship of the Ring)
3. The Godfather Part II (Both part-1 and part-2 were same in the class, but still research shows part-2 is liked by more people)
4. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
5. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Worst sequels of all time are (Not in ranked manner):

1. The matrix reloaded
2. Porky'S II: The next day
3. The Godfather- III (Disappointment for me)
4. Star trek-5
5. Speed-2

I know list is quite debatable, but somewhere I have to choose few among all. Both creativity and plot were taken into consideration while listing the sequels.

Hope you like this post. Keep reading....

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